Float ScriptEditor
Vision Cone 2D
Ed's Mesh Builder
Auto Polygon2D Triangulation
World of Alpheratz (Platformer Demo)
Godot Touch Input Manager - Godot 4.x
Unused MD5 File Cleaner
Shape Grammar Interpreter
Godot Touch Input Manager Demo - Godot 4.x
GestureControlledCamera2D - Godot 4.x
Godot Touch Input Manager Demo - Godot 3.x
GestureControlledCamera2D - Godot 3.x
Godot Touch Input Manager - Godot 3.x
UI Design Tool
Simple Testing
Multiple Resolutions Demo
Dialogue Label
Test Camera 3D
Unofficial LaunchDarkly client-side SDK
Kenney's Pixel Platformer
A Star 2D Grid Node
Wiggly Appendage (3.x)
Wiggly Appendage (4.x)
Godot XR Tools - AR and VR helper library
GDScript Delaunay + Voronoi
Kenney's Voiceover Fighter
Kenney's Voiceover
Kenney's Sci-Fi Sounds
Kenney's RPG Audio
Kenney's Music Jingles
Kenney's Impact Sounds
Kenney's Digital Audio
Kenney's Casino Audio
BulletUpHell - Bullethell plugin (big bug fixed!)
BulletUpHell - Bullethell plugin (big bug fixed!)
Physics Toggle Plugin
Phoenix Channels for Godot 3
Kenney's UI Audio
Movement 2: A sequel to 2D Platformer demos (3.5)
Nakama Godot 4 client
Nakama Godot 3 client
Extra Export Hints
Hider Node : goodbye messy scene trees
Better Random Number Generator
Custom Project Runner
Quick Plugin Manager