Edit of asset "FloorArchitect" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title FloorArchitect
Description Godot plugin for generating dungeon floor layouts for rogue-lites like BoI or Moonlighter.

Adds new nodes "Base" nodes do not generate levels on their own, they are set up for inheritance.
"Sampler" nodes first generate a Maze in their setup(seed:) function and then sample parts of the maze.

the generated layout is stored in "cells" member as a dictionary of CellData structures, addressed by their positions on the grid.

Utils provides static methods for:
getting all dead ends and crossroads
getting all bridges and articulation points (while also checking for connectivity)
getting all shortest distances (and all shortest paths), by running Dijkstra's algorithm from each cell or by using Floyd-Warshall (not recommended)

Note: SelfAvoidingWalker has an error, it does not generate tree levels (as in there might be loops generated), this is not intended and will be fixed eventually
Category Scripts
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Drejzer/FloorArchitect
Issues Url https://github.com/Drejzer/FloorArchitect/issues
Godot version Godot 4.1
Version String v0.5.0a v0.4.0a
Download Commit d54b7158232f71307d6b1c5f61eb04d658f22537 10ca006d4d489e891d97668c7974421e4d6fb61c
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Drejzer/FloorArchitect/archive/d54b7158232f71307d6b1c5f61eb04d658f22537.zip https://github.com/Drejzer/FloorArchitect/archive/10ca006d4d489e891d97668c7974421e4d6fb61c.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Drejzer/FloorArchitect/master/icon.png