Edit of asset "Circular Container" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Circular Container Circular Container
Description A circular container node, which arranges its children in a circle. It might be helpful for circular menus and the like.

* Simple, Godot-like, public API
* Animations support, with support for custom animating function
* Somewhat supports Node2D children - experimental
* Option to force expand on all children
* Option to force all children to be square (might be useful if you don't want to play with both minsize axes)
* Option to configure the angle from which to start arranging children
* Calculate minimum size of the container, so it can be embedded inside other containers (maybe circular, maybe not...)
A circular container node, which arranges its children in a circle. It might be helpful for circular menus and the like.

* Simple, Godot-like, public API
* Animations support, with support for custom animating function
* Somewhat supports Node2D children - experimental
* Option to force expand on all children
* Option to force all children to be square (might be useful if you don't want to play with both minsize axes)
* Option to configure the angle from which to start arranging children
* Calculate minimum size of the container, so it can be embedded inside other containers (maybe circular, maybe not...)
Category 2D Tools 2D Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/KOBUGE-Games/CircularContainer https://github.com/KOBUGE-Games/CircularContainer
Issues Url https://github.com/KOBUGE-Games/CircularContainer/issues https://github.com/KOBUGE-Games/CircularContainer/issues
Godot version Godot 3.1
Version String 0.3 0.1
Download Commit e02d9d5e62df7238d9504147d49d88781ae3b0e3 eacd5f0584bee421965f392f7bea058572fd6ad0
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/KOBUGE-Games/CircularContainer/archive/e02d9d5e62df7238d9504147d49d88781ae3b0e3.zip https://github.com/KOBUGE-Games/CircularContainer/archive/eacd5f0584bee421965f392f7bea058572fd6ad0.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KOBUGE-Games/CircularContainer/master/addons/KOBUGE-games.CircularContainer/addon-icon.png