Edit of asset "GD-Sync | Advanced Multiplayer Plugin" Accepted

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Title GD-Sync | Advanced Multiplayer Plugin GD-Sync | Advanced Multiplayer Plugin
Description Get your multiplayer game up and running quickly with our easy-to-integrate plugin.

Key Features:
- Interactive Lobbies & Matchmaking: Enable players to easily find and join each other from across the globe.
- Account System: Allow players to easily create accounts. Comes with built-in email verification and a moderation system.
- Persistent Data Storage: Create databases to store and retrieve data from the cloud.
- Global Servers: Deliver high uptime and seamless gameplay through our extensive global server infrastructure.
- In-Depth Analytics: Gain valuable insights with detailed tracking of player statistics.
- Godot Asset Library Integration: Set up GD-Sync with minimal hassle, right from within the engine.

More information can be found on https://www.gd-sync.com.
Get your multiplayer game up and running quickly with our easy-to-integrate plugin.

Key Features:
- Interactive Lobbies & Matchmaking: Enable players to easily find and join each other from across the globe.
- Global Servers: Deliver high uptime and seamless gameplay through our extensive global server infrastructure.
- In-Depth Analytics: Gain valuable insights with detailed tracking of player statistics.
- Godot Asset Library Integration: Set up GD-Sync with minimal hassle, right from within the engine.

More information can be found on https://www.gd-sync.com.
Category Tools Tools
License BSD-2-Clause BSD-2-Clause
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/GD-Sync/GD-Sync https://github.com/GD-Sync/GD-Sync
Issues Url https://github.com/GD-Sync/GD-Sync/issues https://github.com/GD-Sync/GD-Sync/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.2
Version String 0.5 0.1
Download Commit de70bac1a161812028a4d7542a672ce70a3b7246 5750c806c28237171dd17d84b770f3df9acd73f8
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/GD-Sync/GD-Sync/archive/de70bac1a161812028a4d7542a672ce70a3b7246.zip https://github.com/GD-Sync/GD-Sync/archive/5750c806c28237171dd17d84b770f3df9acd73f8.zip
Icon Url https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/6446f1fc3506fe60c40890e9/65527755b264a4d9e8fd30f6_GD-Multiplayer%20Logo%20file_F9.jpg