Edit of asset "GIFT - Godot IRC For Twitch" Rejected

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Title GIFT - Godot IRC For Twitch
Description This addon provides a node that can be used to easily interact with the Twitch IRC chat. Commands are registered similar to how you connect a node.

- connect to Twitch using a secure websocket
- listen to events like follows with EventSub
- join/leave channels, request twitch capabilities
- send chat messages/whispers/raw data
- register commands with min/max amount of args
- check for permissions to execute the command
- many signals to process additional data
- shows raw data in output log while in debug mode
- automatically download & cache emotes and user badges

You will need to register an application on https://dev.twitch.tv/, then use the client id and client secret to login.

The Gift.gd script in the repository should get you started.
Category Misc
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/issork/gift
Issues Url https://github.com/issork/gift/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0
Version String 4.1.5 4.1.5
Download Commit 0545456faa8537a86bb266fe1df8fd3d06505358 0545456faa8537a86bb266fe1df8fd3d06505358
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/issork/gift/archive/0545456faa8537a86bb266fe1df8fd3d06505358.zip https://github.com/issork/gift/archive/0545456faa8537a86bb266fe1df8fd3d06505358.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/issork/gift/master/example/icon.png