GIFT - Godot IRC For Twitch's icon

GIFT - Godot IRC For Twitch 4.1.5 Misc 4.0 Community

Submitted by user issork; MIT; 2023-11-08

This addon provides a node that can be used to easily interact with the Twitch IRC chat. Commands are registered similar to how you connect a node.

- connect to Twitch using a secure websocket
- listen to events like follows with EventSub
- join/leave channels, request twitch capabilities
- send chat messages/whispers/raw data
- register commands with min/max amount of args
- check for permissions to execute the command
- many signals to process additional data
- shows raw data in output log while in debug mode
- automatically download & cache emotes and user badges

You will need to register an application on, then use the client id and client secret to login.

The script in the repository should get you started.

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