Edit of asset "event-driven Behavior Tree" Accepted

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Title event-driven Behavior Tree event-driven Behavior Tree
Description This is a modern behavior tree implementation for Godot 4.


- Graphical interface for editing and debugging trees.
- Event-driven architecture remembers running nodes and skips running all of the tree every tick.
- Decorator nodes are implemented as node decorators, this means decorators are annexed to the BTNodes and modify their behavior internally. This makes trees prettier and easier to read.
- Subtrees that improve organizing and re-utilizing your trees.
- Utility composite nodes and decorators for more complex behavior.
- Flexible Parallel node for complex behavior and simple implementation.
This is a modern behavior tree implementation for Godot 4.


- Graphical interface for editing and debugging trees.
- Event-driven architecture remembers running nodes and skips running all of the tree every tick.
- Decorator nodes are implemented as node decorators, this means decorators are annexed to the BTNodes and modify their behavior internally. This makes trees prettier and easier to read.
- Subtrees that improve organizing and re-utilizing your trees.
- Utility composite nodes and decorators for more complex behavior.
- Flexible Parallel node for complex behavior and simple implementation.
Category Tools Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/MBoqui/event-driven-behavior-tree https://github.com/MBoqui/event-driven-behavior-tree
Issues Url https://github.com/MBoqui/event-driven-behavior-tree/issues https://github.com/MBoqui/event-driven-behavior-tree/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0 Godot 4.0
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit 9483ff7720721f9f561186ead2278f16e42deb92 9483ff7720721f9f561186ead2278f16e42deb92
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/MBoqui/event-driven-behavior-tree/archive/9483ff7720721f9f561186ead2278f16e42deb92.zip https://github.com/MBoqui/event-driven-behavior-tree/archive/9483ff7720721f9f561186ead2278f16e42deb92.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MBoqui/event-driven-behavior-tree/main/icon.png