Edit of asset "Destructibles CSharp" Accepted

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Title Destructibles CSharp
Description A simple plugin to allow the easy creation and use of destructible objects inside of Godot. Converts a shard mesh into a Node of mesh instances and custom generated collisions shapes, with each shard having its own rigid body. The shards can be generated either in game or before hand. Designed to be used in conjunction with Blenders cell fracture (or any other tool which can generate the required shard mesh). Further clarified in the README.
Category 3D Tools
License CC0
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/ZachAR3/Destructibles-CSharp
Issues Url https://github.com/ZachAR3/Destructibles-CSharp/issues
Godot version Godot 4.1
Version String 2.8.2 2.5
Download Commit ba0d3314ab248c9f86404430e1f726ea31c5098b a86a0d4d68f8b43af1be534cb502d91c0a4366db
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/ZachAR3/Destructibles-CSharp/archive/ba0d3314ab248c9f86404430e1f726ea31c5098b.zip https://github.com/ZachAR3/Destructibles-CSharp/archive/a86a0d4d68f8b43af1be534cb502d91c0a4366db.zip
Icon Url https://github.com/ZachAR3/Destructibles-CSharp/raw/main/icon.png