Edit of asset "Wyvernbox - Inventory System" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Wyvernbox - Inventory System
Description Yet another inventory system for Godot 3, made primarily for Action RPGs. Supports:
- 4 inventory types, including those for multi-slot items, equipment, and theoretically-infinite currencies
- all types are Container-compatible
- 2D and 3D ground items
- stacking and quick-transfer
- crafting with substitutes and random outcomes, merchants with randomized and limitable wares
- localizable equipment affixes
- item filters, and autosave.

- Drag stuff from addons/wyvernbox_prefabs into your scene. Should just work.
- Items are defined through ItemType resources.
- For loot tables, make ItemInstantiators (each item, chance optional) and/or ItemGenerators (one from list, can be generated by script). For "or" logic or script-driven checks, make ItemPatterns.
- Enabling the plugin optional, but highly recommended.
Yet another inventory system for Godot 3, made primarily for Action RPGs. Supports:
- 4 inventory types, including those for multi-slot items, equipment, and theoretically-infinite currencies
- all types are Container-compatible
- 2D and 3D ground items
- stacking and quick-transfer
- crafting with substitutes and random outcomes, merchants with randomized and limitable wares
- localizable equipment affixes
- item filters, and autosave.

- Drag stuff from addons/wyvernbox_prefabs into your scene. Should just work.
- Items are defined through ItemType resources.
- For loot tables, make ItemInstantiators (each item, chance optional) and/or ItemGenerators (one from list, can be generated by script). For "or" logic or script-driven checks, make ItemPatterns.
- Enabling the plugin optional, but highly recommended.
Category Scripts
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/don-tnowe/godot-wyvernbox-inventory
Issues Url https://github.com/don-tnowe/godot-wyvernbox-inventory/issues
Godot version Godot 3.5
Version String 1.1.1 1.1
Download Commit 628dde09442b1999168b3a34bc21db16e4f9e479 d568e3e4b9f7b4cebff53bd70f204a5202c52d19
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/don-tnowe/godot-wyvernbox-inventory/archive/628dde09442b1999168b3a34bc21db16e4f9e479.zip https://github.com/don-tnowe/godot-wyvernbox-inventory/archive/d568e3e4b9f7b4cebff53bd70f204a5202c52d19.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/don-tnowe/godot-wyvernbox-inventory/master/icon.png