Edit of asset "Input buffer" Accepted

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Title Input buffer Input buffer
Description Keeps track of recent inputs in order to make timing windows more flexible. Especially useful for fighting games or similar games that would otherwise require frame-perfect input. The project in the asset's repository is a replica of the Google Chrome dino game made as a demo for the input buffer.

To use, copy the file used for your preferred language (input_buffer.gd for GDScript or InputBuffer.cs for C#) into your project and call InputBuffer.is_action_press_buffered where you'd usually call Input.is_action_just_pressed (or for C#, call InputBuffer.IsActionPressBuffered where you'd usually call Input.IsActionJustPressed).
Keeps track of recent inputs in order to make timing windows more flexible. Especially useful for fighting games or similar games that would otherwise require frame-perfect input. The project in the asset's repository is a replica of the Google Chrome dino game made as a demo for the input buffer.

To use, copy the file used for your preferred language (input_buffer.gd for GDScript or InputBuffer.cs for C#) into your project and call InputBuffer.is_action_press_buffered where you'd usually call Input.is_action_just_pressed (or for C#, call InputBuffer.IsActionPressBuffered where you'd usually call Input.IsActionJustPressed).
Category Demos Demos
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/drkitt/godot-input-buffer https://github.com/drkitt/godot-input-buffer
Issues Url https://github.com/drkitt/godot-input-buffer/issues https://github.com/drkitt/godot-input-buffer/issues
Godot version Godot 3.5 Godot 3.5
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit b8ec019f34cd6fd1c0ec668bcc2cd001a7ee700b b8ec019f34cd6fd1c0ec668bcc2cd001a7ee700b
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/drkitt/godot-input-buffer/archive/b8ec019f34cd6fd1c0ec668bcc2cd001a7ee700b.zip https://github.com/drkitt/godot-input-buffer/archive/b8ec019f34cd6fd1c0ec668bcc2cd001a7ee700b.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/drkitt/godot-input-buffer/b8ec019f34cd6fd1c0ec668bcc2cd001a7ee700b/Input%20buffer/demo/cooler_icon.png
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/drkitt/godot-input-buffer/main/demo_screenshot.png