Edit of asset "XSM 2.0 - eXtended State Machine" Accepted

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Title XSM 2.0 - eXtended State Machine XSM 2.0 - eXtended State Machine
Description This eXtended State Machine is as easy as adding State nodes in your scene tree.

This plugin empowers you to easily create simple or complicated State Machines. Add one State Node as a root, give it three sub States and there you go, your first FSM is done.
But if you want it to chose between random substates or to play your animations automatically on enter, it is definitely also possible.

This is a personal implementation of StateCharts.
A basic platform example shows (kind of) the true power of xsm and godot!

With easy Node composition system, timers, animations, regions, random states, state loops, pending States, substates call, an active states list, arguments to a state_change, a history of active states and more

v 2.0.4:
- New icon for StateAnimation
- Added a fallback if find_state fails to find the name in the state_map
- few cosmetic fixes
v 2.0.3:
- Templates moved to addons directory
- fixed basic example
This eXtended State Machine is as easy as adding State nodes in your scene tree.

This plugin empowers you to easily create simple or complicated State Machines. Add one State Node as a root, give it three sub States and there you go, your first FSM is done.
But if you want it to chose between random substates or to play your animations automatically on enter, it is definitely also possible.

This is a personal implementation of StateCharts.
A basic platform example shows (kind of) the true power of xsm and godot!

With easy Node composition system, timers, animations, regions, random states, state loops, pending States, substates call, an active states list, arguments to a state_change, a history of active states and more
Category Tools Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitLab GitLab
Repository Url https://gitlab.com/atnb/xsm https://gitlab.com/atnb/xsm
Issues Url https://gitlab.com/atnb/xsm/-/issues https://gitlab.com/atnb/xsm/-/issues
Godot version Godot 3.5 Godot 3.5
Version String 2.0.4 2.0.2
Download Commit e7e39e74e3f1a398cd534957cea2ad2e02259379 901dc3041b5ee7138d09818bf6c560ce4ca07b68
Download Url (Computed) https://gitlab.com/atnb/xsm/-/archive/e7e39e74e3f1a398cd534957cea2ad2e02259379.zip https://gitlab.com/atnb/xsm/-/archive/901dc3041b5ee7138d09818bf6c560ce4ca07b68.zip
Icon Url https://gitlab.com/atnb/xsm/-/raw/master/icon.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://gitlab.com/atnb/xsm/-/raw/master/screenshots/tree_example.png
Preview Insert
Type video
Image/Video URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzMT-P0oL_E