Edit of asset "Tile Setup Helper" Accepted

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Title Tile Setup Helper Tile Setup Helper
Description Editor plugin for 3.x to help set up TileSet collisions and standard bitmasks more easily. Adds buttons to the inspector when editing TileSets.

For collisions, supports squares, convex hulls, and pixel-perfect scanlines (optimized). Also lets you delete all collisions at once from the current atlas/autotile or single tile.

For bitmasks, supports 3x3 minimal (standard layout), 3x3 minimal but with wildcards for the inside corners, and 2x2 (standard layout).

This plugin DOES NOT turn small tilesheets into large tilesheets. You will need something else for that.

NOTE: This plugin does slightly evil things to get the editor to update visuals properly after changing the bitmasks/collisions. It might break in newer Godot versions than 3.5. If that happens, feel free to make your own updated version! It's CC0.
Editor plugin for 3.x to help set up TileSet collisions and standard bitmasks more easily. Adds buttons to the inspector when editing TileSets.

For collisions, supports squares, convex hulls, and pixel-perfect scanlines (optimized). Also lets you delete all collisions at once from the current atlas/autotile or single tile.

For bitmasks, supports 3x3 minimal (standard layout), 3x3 minimal but with wildcards for the inside corners, and 2x2 (standard layout).

This plugin DOES NOT turn small tilesheets into large tilesheets. You will need something else for that.

NOTE: This plugin does slightly evil things to get the editor to update visuals properly after changing the bitmasks/collisions. It might break in newer Godot versions than 3.5. If that happens, feel free to make your own updated version! It's CC0.
Category 2D Tools 2D Tools
License CC0 CC0
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/wareya/godot-tile-setup-helper https://github.com/wareya/godot-tile-setup-helper
Issues Url https://github.com/wareya/godot-tile-setup-helper/issues https://github.com/wareya/godot-tile-setup-helper/issues
Godot version Godot 3.5 Godot 3.5
Version String 1.1 1.1
Download Commit c83947bc19f759817488427f2b66c57fba285ee5 c83947bc19f759817488427f2b66c57fba285ee5
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/wareya/godot-tile-setup-helper/archive/c83947bc19f759817488427f2b66c57fba285ee5.zip https://github.com/wareya/godot-tile-setup-helper/archive/c83947bc19f759817488427f2b66c57fba285ee5.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wareya/godot-tile-setup-helper/main/addons/tile_setup_helper/icon.png
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wareya/godot-tile-setup-helper/main/screenshots/3x3minfull.png