Edit of asset "godot-playfab" Accepted

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Title godot-playfab godot-playfab
Description godot-playfab is an addon for the Godot Engine to use Azure Playfab.

godot-playfab has been proven in production by games like Dome Keeper by Bippinbits!

You only need to select the `addons/godot-playfab` folder for installation! Other fields are only examples/extras!

I wanted to create an opinionated, "natural" Godot integration/SDK. Anyone could use the C# SDK right now or use any SDK with GDnative. But these SDKs are only generated SDKs, with a lot of duplicated models, which are nothing more than an API wrapper.
godot-playfab is an addon for the Godot Engine to use AzurePlayfab.

I wanted to create an opinionated, "natural" Godot integration/SDK. Anyone could use the C# SDK right now or use any SDK with GDnative. But these SDKs are only generated SDKs, with a lot of duplicated models, which are nothing more than an API wrapper.

However, I want it to feel natural to the environment of Godot.

So my plan is to not only create a GDScript-Native with more or less everything handcrafted, but also use Godot's Signals and also provide in-editor tools to work with Godot.
Category Misc Misc
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Structed/godot-playfab https://github.com/Structed/godot-playfab
Issues Url https://github.com/Structed/godot-playfab/issues https://github.com/Structed/godot-playfab/issues
Godot version Godot 4.1 Godot 3.4
Version String 1.2.0 0.0.1
Download Commit e0f8905cf609a3538f78ec4b4b3ebf134041fa4f 2d5e46222ae491c3d96822f917dc853099081812
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Structed/godot-playfab/archive/e0f8905cf609a3538f78ec4b4b3ebf134041fa4f.zip https://github.com/Structed/godot-playfab/archive/2d5e46222ae491c3d96822f917dc853099081812.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Structed/godot-playfab/main/addons/godot-playfab/icon.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Structed/godot-playfab/main/demo-scene.gif