Edit of asset "GD-SimpleKnob" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title GD-SimpleKnob
Description SimpleKnob is a UI knob control for Godot 3.x intended to be a drop-in replacement for standard HSlider controls. Themes and overrides created for HSlider should "just work". Includes customizable grabber pointing orientation (inwards/outwards), knob thickness (Values < 100% create hollow or arc knobs), notch (arc) width, decimal padding, and title/value positioning.

Update history:
1.11: Added an option to restore the original knob behavior where the value can only change relative to the previous one rather than snapping to the closest value to the mouse position on first click
1.1: Fixed input events being consumed when the control shouldn't be visible, such as when obscured or in another tab.
1.0: Initial version
SimpleKnob is a UI knob control for Godot 3.x intended to be a drop-in replacement for standard HSlider controls. Themes and overrides created for HSlider should "just work". Includes customizable grabber pointing orientation (inwards/outwards), knob thickness (Values < 100% create hollow or arc knobs), notch (arc) width, decimal padding, and title/value positioning.

Update history:
1.11: Added an option to restore the original knob behavior where the value can only change relative to the previous one rather than snapping to the closest value to the mouse position on first click
1.1: Fixed input events being consumed when the control shouldn't be visible, such as when obscured or in another tab.
1.0: Initial version
Category 2D Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/nobuyukinyuu/GD-SimpleKnob
Issues Url https://github.com/nobuyukinyuu/GD-SimpleKnob/issues
Godot version Godot 3.4
Version String 1.11 1.11
Download Commit b86924d4a4c4567b2b210926e53b47a32d881bd2 b86924d4a4c4567b2b210926e53b47a32d881bd2
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/nobuyukinyuu/GD-SimpleKnob/archive/b86924d4a4c4567b2b210926e53b47a32d881bd2.zip https://github.com/nobuyukinyuu/GD-SimpleKnob/archive/b86924d4a4c4567b2b210926e53b47a32d881bd2.zip
Icon Url https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1023003/156898700-499d76a4-bade-4084-98f6-e7d5c09a0bab.png