Edit of asset "Directory Watcher" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Directory Watcher Directory Watcher
Description Allows you to watch contents of a directory for file changes.

Add DirectoryWatcher to your scene, register a directory and connect signals. It will automatically notify you of added, removed or deleted files.

var watcher = DirectoryWatcher.new()
watcher.connect("files_created", self, "on_files_created")
watcher.connect("files_modified", self, "on_files_modified")
watcher.connect("files_deleted", self, "on_files_deleted")

Change 'scan_delay' property to control scanning period (default is 1 second) and 'scan_step' to control scanned files per frame (default is 50). The watcher will go through the file list in a directory and emit the signals at the end of the cycle.

Check the repo page for more details.
Allows you to watch contents of a directory for file changes.

Add DirectoryWatcher to your scene, register a directory and connect signals. It will automatically notify you of added, removed or deleted files.

var watcher = DirectoryWatcher.new()
watcher.connect("files_created", self, "on_files_created")
watcher.connect("files_modified", self, "on_files_modified")
watcher.connect("files_deleted", self, "on_files_deleted")

Change 'scan_delay' property to control scanning period (default is 1 second) and 'scan_step' to control scanned files per frame (default is 50). The watcher will go through the file list in a directory and emit the signals at the end of the cycle.

Check the repo page for more details.
Category Misc Misc
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/KoBeWi/Godot-Directory-Watcher https://github.com/KoBeWi/Godot-Directory-Watcher
Issues Url https://github.com/KoBeWi/Godot-Directory-Watcher/issues https://github.com/KoBeWi/Godot-Directory-Watcher/issues
Godot version Godot 3.4 Godot 3.4
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit 82ee1ed9fcf1914a2ea59ba32ae2d31433d39dc9 82ee1ed9fcf1914a2ea59ba32ae2d31433d39dc9
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/KoBeWi/Godot-Directory-Watcher/archive/82ee1ed9fcf1914a2ea59ba32ae2d31433d39dc9.zip https://github.com/KoBeWi/Godot-Directory-Watcher/archive/82ee1ed9fcf1914a2ea59ba32ae2d31433d39dc9.zip
Icon Url https://github.com/KoBeWi/Godot-Directory-Watcher/blob/master/Media/Icon.png?raw=1