Edit of asset "Blender 3D Shortcuts" Accepted

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Title Blender 3D Shortcuts Blender 3D Shortcuts
Description Blender's 3D transforming shortcuts in Godot

This version is only compatible with Godot 4.x, check out godot3(https://github.com/imjp94/gd-blender-3d-shortcuts/tree/godot3) branch for older version

- Transform with "G", "R", "S" keys and "H" key to hide
- Revert transformation with "ALT" modifier
- Visualize constraint axis
- Work seamlessly with Godot Spatial Editor settings("Use Local Space", "Use Snap", "Snap Settings")
- Type transform value
- Switch display mode with "Z"

- Translate: G
- Rotate: R
- Scale: S
- Revert Translation: ALT + G
- Revert Rotation: ALT + R
- Revert Scale: ALT + S
- Constraint to Single Axis: X or Y or Z
- Constraint to Plane: SHIFT + (X or Y or Z)
- Delete: X
- Hide: H
- Precision Mode(while transforming with mouse): SHIFT
- Toggle Global/Local mode(non-persistent): XX or YY or ZZ
- Switch Spatial Editor Viewport Display Mode: Z

Add right click undo
Fixes Z pie eating key inputs
Fix unable to expand nested resource editor in inspector
Fix freelook issue

Fix error when rotate with snapping
Add node delete action and pie menu for switching viewport display mode

Port to Godot 4.0

Support multiple viewports and bugfixes

Greatly improve usability of addon and fix some minor bugs.
Added some new feature like "SHIFT" for precision while transforming, xx/yy/zz to toggle between global/local mode, infinite mouse movement when translating or scaling and switching display mode with "Z" key.
Blender's 3D transforming shortcuts in Godot

- Transform with "G", "R", "S" keys and "H" key to hide
- Revert transformation with "ALT" modifier
- Visualize constraint axis
- Work seamlessly with Godot Spatial Editor settings("Use Local Space", "Use Snap", "Snap Settings")
- Type transform value

- Translate: G
- Rotate: R
- Scale: S
- Revert Translation: ALT + G
- Revert Rotation: ALT + R
- Revert Scale: ALT + S
- Constraint to Single Axis: X or Y or Z
- Constraint to Plane: SHIFT + (X or Y or Z)
- Hide: H
Category 3D Tools 3D Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/imjp94/gd-blender-3d-shortcuts https://github.com/imjp94/gd-blender-3d-shortcuts
Issues Url https://github.com/imjp94/gd-blender-3d-shortcuts/issues https://github.com/imjp94/gd-blender-3d-shortcuts/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0 Godot 3.3
Version String 0.3.2 0.1.0
Download Commit ff9cf37f3d813745d871ba835be758874d2faac8 400398d502f3e41306020292ddd3cdf713ff5a93
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/imjp94/gd-blender-3d-shortcuts/archive/ff9cf37f3d813745d871ba835be758874d2faac8.zip https://github.com/imjp94/gd-blender-3d-shortcuts/archive/400398d502f3e41306020292ddd3cdf713ff5a93.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/imjp94/gd-blender-3d-shortcuts/master/icon.png