Edit of asset "In-game console" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title In-game console In-game console
Description In-game console for Godot, easily extensible with new commands.

I'll try to keep project on this website up-to-date with its sources. If you have any problems with this project please try downloading more up-to-date version from github (https://github.com/quentincaffeino/godot-console/archive/master.zip). If problem persists do not hesitate to contact me on GitHub via Issues or QuentinCaffeino#9674 on Discord

Project website: https://github.com/quentincaffeino/godot-console
In-game console for Godot, easily extensible with new commands.


Writing to console using write and writeLine method.
Console.writeLine('Hello world!')
(Also printed to engine output)

Auto-completion (TAB button)

History (using with actions console_up and console_down)

Custom types (Filter, IntRange, FloatRange)

Changeable log levels (INFO, WARNING, ERROR and NONE)

Writing log messages using info, warn and error methods
Console.Log.warn('u so pretty')
Category Scripts Projects
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/quentincaffeino/godot-console https://github.com/QuentinCaffeino/godot-console
Issues Url https://github.com/quentincaffeino/godot-console/issues https://github.com/QuentinCaffeino/godot-console/issues
Godot version Godot 3.5 Godot 3.0
Version String 3.6.0 2.0
Download Commit c21cedf7d66af9ce064e6eeb7ad210104bd9c5bb 8f6b8273d21fe29f4151d630d3e332fe324cf775
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/quentincaffeino/godot-console/archive/c21cedf7d66af9ce064e6eeb7ad210104bd9c5bb.zip https://github.com/QuentinCaffeino/godot-console/archive/8f6b8273d21fe29f4151d630d3e332fe324cf775.zip
Icon Url https://github.com/quentincaffeino/godot-console/raw/master/assets/icon.svg
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://github.com/QuentinCaffeino/godot-console/raw/master/screenshot.png
Thumbnail Console screenshot