Edit of asset "Flexible Toon Shader" Accepted

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Title Flexible Toon Shader
Description A flexible toon shader for the Godot Engine with many features:

🤸Flexibility through parameters like number of cuts/bands, steepness, and wrap
🎨 Supports custom color ramps
🌈 Affected by the colors of light sources and ambient light in the scene
💡 Allows for multiple light sources
⛱️ Supports shadows and attenuation
✨ Visual extras like specular reflections and rim lighting
🖼️ Supports textures for albedo and specular

✏️ Experimental toon hatching shader (available as a separate material)
A flexible toon shader for the Godot Engine with many features:

🤸Flexibility through parameters like number of cuts/bands, steepness, and wrap
🎨 Supports custom color ramps
🌈 Affected by the colors of light sources and ambient light in the scene
💡 Allows for multiple light sources
⛱️ Supports shadows and attenuation
✨ Visual extras like specular reflections and rim lighting
🖼️ Supports textures for albedo and specular

✏️ Experimental toon hatching shader (available as a separate material)
Category Shaders
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/CaptainProton42/FlexibleToonShaderGD
Issues Url https://github.com/CaptainProton42/FlexibleToonShaderGD/issues
Godot version Godot 3.3
Version String 1.1.1 1.1
Download Commit dacf9a41d697a26360af96cdbf6332589cd97ab7 6724058dd37610aa4cf4eb48fbe33a18222cca28
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/CaptainProton42/FlexibleToonShaderGD/archive/dacf9a41d697a26360af96cdbf6332589cd97ab7.zip https://github.com/CaptainProton42/FlexibleToonShaderGD/archive/6724058dd37610aa4cf4eb48fbe33a18222cca28.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CaptainProton42/FlexibleToonShaderGD/main/images/icon.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CaptainProton42/FlexibleToonShaderGD/main/images/toon_hatch.png
Thumbnail https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CaptainProton42/FlexibleToonShaderGD/main/images/toon_hatch.png