Edit of asset "Project Map" Accepted

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Title Project Map
Description This addon lets you create a "map" of your project to get a better overview and to quickly access your most-used files. It adds a new tab "Project" to your editor.

Simply drag and drop files you need to access often into the graph, and organize them how you like. Click on the nodes to access the scenes/scripts. Use CTRL + SPACEBAR from anywhere to access the project map.

You can leave feedback or ideas in the Github "Feedback" issue (https://github.com/Yogoda/Project-Map/issues/1).
This plugin is open-source, feel free to improve it <3
This addon lets you create a "map" of your project to get a better overview and to quickly access your most-used files. It adds a new tab "Project" to your editor.

Simply drag and drop files you need to access often into the graph, and organize them how you like. Click on the nodes to access the scenes/scripts. Use CTRL + SPACEBAR from anywhere to access the project map.

You can leave feedback or ideas in the Github "Feedback" issue. This plugin is open-source, feel free to improve it <3
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Yogoda/Project-Map
Issues Url https://github.com/Yogoda/Project-Map/issues
Godot version Godot 3.5
Version String 1.4 1.2
Download Commit 38998efd642e233c9280590ef8a89936826ec2bd c079e2e22fd69f0ed9b6de9387548f4ac2ee4531
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Yogoda/Project-Map/archive/38998efd642e233c9280590ef8a89936826ec2bd.zip https://github.com/Yogoda/Project-Map/archive/c079e2e22fd69f0ed9b6de9387548f4ac2ee4531.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yogoda/Project-Map/main/addons/project_map/icon.png
Preview Insert
Type image
Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yogoda/Project-Map/main/screenshots/group_nodes.png