Edit of asset "Shell Fur" Accepted

Old/Current New/Edit
Title Shell Fur
Description Adds a fur node to Godot 3.5.

* Fur can be styled with textures and various parameters.
* Works on static and skinned meshes.
* Fur can be styled using blendshapes.
* Fur moves based on gravity and postional and rotational physics around pivot point.
* Built-in LOD system.

Version 0.3.0 Changes

* Addon tested against Godot 3.5
* Various shader fixes related to transparency

Version 0.2.0 Changes

* Improved UI, now dynamically parses shader for better use with custom shader
* GLES2 support
* API option for growth, for effects of the fur growing through animation or script call
* Ability to control fur length, density, thickness and growth offset with a single RGBA mask texture

Version 0.1.1 Changes

* Improved UI
* Two additional fur patterns
* Performance improvements
* Experimental mobile support
* Bug fixes

Adds a fur node to Godot 3.2. Only works with GLES3.

* Fur can be styled with textures and various parameters.
* Works on static and skinned meshes.
* Fur can be styled using blendshapes.
* Fur moves based on gravity and postional and rotational physics around pivot point.
* Built-in LOD system.

Version 0.1.1 Changes

* Improved UI
* Two additional fur patterns
* Performance improvements
* Experimental mobile support
* Bug fixes

Category 3D Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Arnklit/ShellFurGodot
Issues Url https://github.com/Arnklit/ShellFurGodot/issues
Godot version Godot 3.5
Version String 0.3.0 0.1.1
Download Commit b8ffa47b54511813bef9f1ccdf4d4eeb0756cb03 d9dc697037cb3bf3224bd2a5bbe9ce51a4c03b3b
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Arnklit/ShellFurGodot/archive/b8ffa47b54511813bef9f1ccdf4d4eeb0756cb03.zip https://github.com/Arnklit/ShellFurGodot/archive/d9dc697037cb3bf3224bd2a5bbe9ce51a4c03b3b.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Arnklit/ShellFurGodot/main/icon.png