Edit of asset "Dynamic Inventory System" Accepted

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Title Dynamic Inventory System Dynamic Inventory System
Description This is an easily modifiable Inventory System ready for use. If you need anything further, you can add it. I tried to make the code easy to read.

How it works:
- Inventory Component - you add this node to any other node and now it has Inventory. (example: Player, Container). The functions and the data is stored in the component.
- The Slots are just UI with Item Structure and Amount. For example, a slot can contain the information of Apple Item and how much amount it has. It takes this information from the Inventory Component.
- Inventory Window just makes an array of Slots.
- Every Item is a different class and that makes the system dynamic. You can make every item to make whatever function you want and is very easy to use.

- Written in GDScript
- The system can be extended to almost every type of game that uses Inventory (RPG, Survival, Action-Adventure, etc.)
- To open the Player Inventory, press Space or Enter. Other things are made as buttons, but you can implement them in your game in whatever form you want.
- Use Items with Right Mouse Button
- Inventory Query with Esc
- Supports Slot Drag and Drop by holding Left Mouse Button and Tooltips by hovering the mouse over a slot
This is an easily modifiable Inventory System ready for use. If you need anything further, you can add it. I tried to make the code easy to read.

How it works:
- Inventory Component - you add this node to any other node and now it has Inventory. (example: Player, Container). The functions and the data is stored in the component.
- The Slots are just UI with Item Structure and Amount. For example, a slot can contain the information of Apple Item and how much amount it has. It takes this information from the Inventory Component.
- Inventory Window just makes an array of Slots.
- Every Item is a different class and that makes the system dynamic. You can make every item to make whatever function you want and is very easy to use.

- Written in GDScript
- The system can be extended to almost every type of game that uses Inventory (RPG, Survival, Action-Adventure, etc.)
- To open the Player Inventory, press Space or Enter. Other things are made as buttons, but you can implement them in your game in whatever form you want.
- Use Items with Right Mouse Button
- Inventory Query with Esc
- Supports Slot Drag and Drop by holding Left Mouse Button and Tooltips by hovering the mouse over a slot
Category Demos Demos
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Whimfoome/godot-InventorySystem https://github.com/Whimfoome/godot-InventorySystem
Issues Url https://github.com/Whimfoome/godot-InventorySystem/issues https://github.com/Whimfoome/godot-InventorySystem/issues
Godot version Godot 3.3 Godot 3.2
Version String 1.1.2 1.0
Download Commit 01bf96b6092a96f78cade2238c880294cca48ab6 882e2d02194abca14e92bcef28a42b44a80112fa
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Whimfoome/godot-InventorySystem/archive/01bf96b6092a96f78cade2238c880294cca48ab6.zip https://github.com/Whimfoome/godot-InventorySystem/archive/882e2d02194abca14e92bcef28a42b44a80112fa.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Whimfoome/godot-InventorySystem/master/icon.png
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Image/Video URL https://camo.githubusercontent.com/c962f372fdbce691514c4675ce3827df04c3f15e/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f565459786b70642e706e67