Edit of asset "AutoSizeText" New

Old/Current New/Edit
Title AutoSizeText
Description Autosize text in labels and text boxes, just like in Unity.

Currently supports only Label.
# AutoSizeText
Autosize text in labels and text boxes, just like in Unity.

## About
I was always missing the Unity function of auto-sizing text inside labels/text fields.
Intentionally made in GDScript to provide maximum compatibility (even in some of our GDScript only projects).
Just use the provided UI elements in your project.

## Features
* Auto-Size: Change Font-Size between two numbers
* Step-Size: Change Font-Size based on pre-defined numbers

## Implemented
* Label
* RichTextLabel
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/SpielmannSpiel/AutoSizeText
Issues Url https://github.com/SpielmannSpiel/AutoSizeText/issues
Godot version Godot 4.4
Version String 0.1.1 0.2.0
Download Commit 473c885b4ca155f8bd7a83860428fa84d112891e 5fcd110c2d90f79c5421a7263a569d1c12e0954a
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/SpielmannSpiel/AutoSizeText/archive/473c885b4ca155f8bd7a83860428fa84d112891e.zip https://github.com/SpielmannSpiel/AutoSizeText/archive/5fcd110c2d90f79c5421a7263a569d1c12e0954a.zip
Icon Url https://spielmannspiel.com/images/icons/SpielmannSpiel_icon2_150.png