Edit of asset "Character Control" Accepted

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Title Character Control Character Control
Description Set up your joystick to control the CharacterBody3D. This node should be added as a child of CharacterBody3D, and you should configure your joystick in the Godot inspector (it comes pre-configured).
How it works:
The left joystick moves the CharacterBody3D, the right joystick rotates the SpringArm with the camera, the A button makes the character jump, the R button locks the camera, and holding the L button switches to first-person view. There’s no need to create a SpringArm and camera, as this is already handled.
Note: Character Control already applies gravity to CharacterBody3D, so you should not add another script that handles gravity.
Set up your joystick to control the CharacterBody3D. This node should be added as a child of CharacterBody3D, and you should configure your joystick in the Godot inspector (it comes pre-configured).
How it works:
The left joystick moves the CharacterBody3D, the right joystick rotates the SpringArm with the camera, the A button makes the character jump, the R button locks the camera, and holding the L button switches to first-person view. There’s no need to create a SpringArm and camera, as this is already handled.
Note: Character Control already applies gravity to CharacterBody3D, so you should not add another script that handles gravity.
Category 3D Tools 3D Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Saulo-de-Souza/Character-Control https://github.com/Saulo-de-Souza/Character-Control
Issues Url https://github.com/Saulo-de-Souza/Character-Control/issues https://github.com/Saulo-de-Souza/Character-Control/issues
Godot version Godot 4.3 Godot 4.3
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit 66126e42452031a7e26ea9a1166154e8302b57d8 66126e42452031a7e26ea9a1166154e8302b57d8
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Saulo-de-Souza/Character-Control/archive/66126e42452031a7e26ea9a1166154e8302b57d8.zip https://github.com/Saulo-de-Souza/Character-Control/archive/66126e42452031a7e26ea9a1166154e8302b57d8.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Saulo-de-Souza/Character-Control/master/addons/character_control/icon.png
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Type video
Image/Video URL https://youtu.be/QxWu_qkzE9o
Thumbnail https://youtu.be/QxWu_qkzE9o