Edit of asset "3D Controls Toolkit" Accepted

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Title 3D Controls Toolkit 3D Controls Toolkit
Description 3D Controls plugin For Godot 4.3:


* First Person Controller
* Third Person Controller
* Side-Scrolling Controller
* Top-Down Controller

Plug-and-Play* just add as a child of the Character3D node, and it will work.

* Requires the following actions on input map: "up", "down", "left", "right", optionally: "sprint", "jump"
those values can be changed on the node inspector.

Other configurations:

* General (For all control types):
* Geometry = Player geometry, if not provided it will look for the first MeshInstance3D sibling, if doesn’t exist will not handle geometry movements.

* Jump (For all control types):
* Jump Height
* Jump time to peak = Time to reach the top of the jump
* Jump time to descend = Time fall
* Variable Jump = If the jump can be interrupted by releasing the jump action key
* Air control on jump = If player can be controlled in middle-air
* Coyote Time = time that player can jump after leaving a platform
* Jump Buffer Time = time that player can activate jump before hit the ground

* Movement (For all control types):
* Walk Speed
* Sprint Speed
* Acceleration
* Deacceleration
* Movement Type = "Move and Slide" or "Move and Collide" or "None" (Movement must be handled on player code)

* First Person:
* Mouse Sensitivity
* Turn Speed
* Rotation Type = Rotate player or just the geometry
* Horizontal Offset
* Vertical Offset
* Custom Camera (Optional)
* Max Camera Angle
* Min Camera Angle

* Third Person:
* Mouse Sensitivity
* Turn Speed
* Rotation Type
* Horizontal Offset
* Vertical Look at Offset
* Start Angle
* Custom Camera
* Max Camera Angle
* Min Camera Angle
* Spring Length (camera)
* Custom Camera (Optional)

* Side-Scrolling
* Turn Speed
* Handle Camera
* Camera Smooth Distance
* Camera Smooth Speed
* Camera Look at Player
* Camera Lock Y Rotation
* Camera Max Boundary
* Camera Min Boundary
* Spring Length
* Angle (Camera)
* Horizontal Offset
* Vertical Offset
* Custom Camera (Optional)

* Top-Down
* Action Type = Use actions to move or move to mouse click
* Floor Group = Required to find floor StaticBody3D to handle mouse click on click mode.
* Turn Speed
* Handle Camera
* Camera Smooth Distance
* Camera Smooth Speed
* Spring Length
* Angle (Camera)
* Horizontal Offset
* Vertical Offset
* Custom Camera (Optional)

Check out CiaNCI Chanel on YouTube for more: https://www.youtube.com/@CiaNCIStudio
3D Controls plugin For Godot 4.3:


* First Person Controller
* Third Person Controller
* Side-Scrolling Controller
* Top-Down Controller

Plug-and-Play* just add as a child of the Character3D node, and it will work.

* Requires the following actions on input map: "up", "down", "left", "right", optionally: "sprint", "jump"
those values can be changed on the node inspector.

Other configurations:

* General (For all control types):
* Geometry = Player geometry, if not provided it will look for the first MeshInstance3D sibling, if doesn’t exist will not handle geometry movements.

* Jump (For all control types):
* Jump Height
* Jump time to peak = Time to reach the top of the jump
* Jump time to descend = Time fall
* Variable Jump = If the jump can be interrupted by releasing the jump action key
* Air control on jump = If player can be controlled in middle-air
* Coyote Time = time that player can jump after leaving a platform
* Jump Buffer Time = time that player can activate jump before hit the ground

* Movement (For all control types):
* Walk Speed
* Sprint Speed
* Acceleration
* Deacceleration
* Movement Type = "Move and Slide" or "Move and Collide" or "None" (Movement must be handled on player code)

* First Person:
* Mouse Sensitivity
* Turn Speed
* Rotation Type = Rotate player or just the geometry
* Horizontal Offset
* Vertical Offset
* Custom Camera (Optional)
* Max Camera Angle
* Min Camera Angle

* Third Person:
* Mouse Sensitivity
* Turn Speed
* Rotation Type
* Horizontal Offset
* Vertical Look at Offset
* Start Angle
* Custom Camera
* Max Camera Angle
* Min Camera Angle
* Spring Length (camera)
* Custom Camera (Optional)

* Side-Scrolling
* Turn Speed
* Handle Camera
* Camera Smooth Distance
* Camera Smooth Speed
* Camera Look at Player
* Camera Lock Y Rotation
* Camera Max Boundary
* Camera Min Boundary
* Spring Length
* Angle (Camera)
* Horizontal Offset
* Vertical Offset
* Custom Camera (Optional)

* Top-Down
* Action Type = Use actions to move or move to mouse click
* Floor Group = Required to find floor StaticBody3D to handle mouse click on click mode.
* Turn Speed
* Handle Camera
* Camera Smooth Distance
* Camera Smooth Speed
* Spring Length
* Angle (Camera)
* Horizontal Offset
* Vertical Offset
* Custom Camera (Optional)

Check out CiaNCI Chanel on YouTube for more: https://www.youtube.com/@CiaNCIStudio
Category 3D Tools 3D Tools
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/CiaNCI-Studio/3D-Controls-Toolkit https://github.com/CiaNCI-Studio/3D-Controls-Toolkit
Issues Url https://github.com/CiaNCI-Studio/3D-Controls-Toolkit/issues https://github.com/CiaNCI-Studio/3D-Controls-Toolkit/issues
Godot version Godot 4.3 Godot 4.3
Version String 1.1 1.0
Download Commit 140fe527cb5436236a771ac9eef118218d839f39 57ac6bf87a2b78485f5c8245edf5a931b6faa23b
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/CiaNCI-Studio/3D-Controls-Toolkit/archive/140fe527cb5436236a771ac9eef118218d839f39.zip https://github.com/CiaNCI-Studio/3D-Controls-Toolkit/archive/57ac6bf87a2b78485f5c8245edf5a931b6faa23b.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CiaNCI-Studio/3D-Controls-Toolkit/main/images/3DControlsToolkit.png