Edit of asset "Ultimate Retro Shader Collection" Accepted

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Title Ultimate Retro Shader Collection
Description Ultimate Retro Shader Collection (URSC) is a unification and enhancement of various “retro-3D” shaders sourced from the Godot community. These shaders are essential for creating authentic graphics reminiscent of the PlayStation (PSX) or Nintendo 64 (N64).

This version is known to work with Godot 4.2.2 and 4.3.0.

IMPORTANT: be sure to check out the collection's documentation on GitHub, ESPECIALLY the Getting Started page, after downloading! There are a couple steps you'll need to take before you can use the shaders in your project.

Features include:
- Vertex snapping (a.k.a. vertex jitter)
- Affine texture mapping (a.k.a. texture warping)
- 3-point texture filtering (as seen on N64)
- Special "metallic/reflective" and "shiny/glossy" effects
- Distance-based texture LOD (as seen in some PSX games) (1.2.0+)
- Distance-based, per-vertex fog (1.3.0+)
- Single-image, flat sky (1.2.0+)
- Screen-reading color reduction with dithering and additive/subtractive fade effects
- Customization through a wide range of uniforms and macros
- Support for all rendering methods (Forward+, Mobile, and Compatibility) (1.1.0+)

Docs and more can be found here:

If you want a better idea of what URSC has to offer, try the demo right in your browser:
Ultimate Retro Shader Collection (URSC) is a unification and enhancement of various “retro-3D” shaders sourced from the Godot community. These shaders are essential for creating authentic graphics reminiscent of the PlayStation (PSX) or Nintendo 64 (N64).

IMPORTANT: be sure to check out the collection's documentation on GitHub, ESPECIALLY the Getting Started page, after downloading! There are a couple steps you'll need to take before you can use the shaders in your project.

This version (1.3.0) is known to work with Godot 4.2.2 and 4.3.0.

Features include:
- Vertex snapping (a.k.a. vertex jitter)
- Affine texture mapping (a.k.a. texture warping)
- 3-point texture filtering (as seen on N64)
- Special "metallic/reflective" and "shiny/glossy" effects
- Distance-based texture LOD (as seen in some PSX games) (1.2.0+)
- Distance-based, per-vertex fog (1.3.0+)
- Single-image, flat sky (1.2.0+)
- Screen-reading color reduction with dithering and additive/subtractive fade effects
- Customization through a wide range of uniforms and macros
- Support for all rendering methods (Forward+, Mobile, and Compatibility) (1.1.0+)

Docs and more can be found here:

If you want a better idea of what URSC has to offer, try the demo right in your browser:
Category Shaders
License MIT
Repository Provider Custom
Repository Url https://github.com/Zorochase/ultimate-retro-shader-collection
Issues Url https://github.com/Zorochase/ultimate-retro-shader-collection/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2
Version String 1.3.0 1.3.0
Download Commit https://github.com/Zorochase/ultimate-retro-shader-collection/releases/download/1.3.0/ursc_1.3.0.zip
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Zorochase/ultimate-retro-shader-collection/releases/download/1.3.0/ursc_1.3.0.zip
Icon Url https://github.com/Zorochase/ultimate-retro-shader-collection/blob/main/docs/images/logo.png?raw=true