Edit of asset "GDScript Formatter" Accepted

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Title GDScript Formatter
Description A Godot Editor (4.x) addon for formatting GDScript automatically.

## Features:
- Format with shortcut
- Defaults to **Shift+Alt+F**
- Format on save
- Off by default, can be enabled by [editing the preferences file](#editing-preferences)
- Format through tool menu
- **Project -> Tool -> GDScript Formatter: Format script**
- Format through command palette
- Open the command palette (Default **Ctrl+Shift+P**) and run command `Format GDScript`

## Installation
GDScript Formatter relies on [GDToolkit](https://github.com/Scony/godot-gdscript-toolkit) which uses Python and Pip package manager. You need to install them in order to use the addon.

1. Install Python (if you do not have it already)
- Download installer from [https://www.python.org/downloads/]
- Make sure to enable "Add python.exe to PATH" when installing
- If you forget you can [add python.exe to PATH after installation](https://realpython.com/add-python-to-path/)
- Pip is included with python
2. Install the Godot plugin
- In Godot editor, click "AssetLib" and search "GDScript Formatter"
- Install the plugin
- Enable the plugin through **Project -> Project Settings -> Plugins**
3. Install GDToolkit
- **Project -> Tool -> GDScript Formatter: Install/Update gdtoolkit**

## Editing Preferences
You can edit GDScript Formatter's behavior through the preferences file. Preferences are stored as a Godot resource located in `res://addons/gdscript_formatter/format_preference.tres`. Double click the file from Godot and you can change whether files are formatted on save, the gdformat command, line length, and other values.
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Daylily-Zeleen/GDScript-Formatter
Issues Url https://github.com/Daylily-Zeleen/GDScript-Formatter/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2
Version String 0.2.2
Download Commit fc279de827f35e2302b7208234f178e021bc5501 b01f627f981cca9d8f1c3cbfbbbf22be43b20229
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Daylily-Zeleen/GDScript-Formatter/archive/fc279de827f35e2302b7208234f178e021bc5501.zip https://github.com/Daylily-Zeleen/GDScript-Formatter/archive/b01f627f981cca9d8f1c3cbfbbbf22be43b20229.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Daylily-Zeleen/GDScript-Formatter/main/icon.png