Edit of asset "StateSync - Advanced Game State Management for Godot" Accepted

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Title StateSync - Advanced Game State Management for Godot StateSync - Advanced Game State Management for Godot
Description The script uses two static functions to create a wait system for your scripts akin to using create_timer(). However instead of an abstract time you place the state of the script you wish to wait for.

The StateSync will create a node with debug information at runtime about what called the StateSync and its id. When the state becomes your desired state it will continue your code's processes.

There is no Autoload in the script and it comes with 2 calls, a singular wait condition or grouped batched wait conditions. The README contains example uses.
The script uses two static functions to create a wait system for your scripts akin to using create_timer(). However instead of an abstract time you place the state of the script you wish to wait for.

The StateSync will create a node with debug information at runtime about what called the StateSync and its id. When the state becomes your desired state it will continue your code's processes.

There is no Autoload in the script and it comes with 2 calls, a singular wait condition or grouped batched wait conditions. The README contains example uses.
Category Scripts Scripts
License MIT MIT
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/ArteFlamel/StateSync/ https://github.com/ArteFlamel/StateSync/
Issues Url https://github.com/ArteFlamel/StateSync/issues https://github.com/ArteFlamel/StateSync/issues
Godot version Godot 4.0 Godot 4.0
Version String 1.0 1.0
Download Commit 07d3f36a9190d2023c34ee2d1c27e06ddc756ca6 07d3f36a9190d2023c34ee2d1c27e06ddc756ca6
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/ArteFlamel/StateSync/archive/07d3f36a9190d2023c34ee2d1c27e06ddc756ca6.zip https://github.com/ArteFlamel/StateSync/archive/07d3f36a9190d2023c34ee2d1c27e06ddc756ca6.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ArteFlamel/StateSync/main/addons/statesync/images/icon.png
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ArteFlamel/StateSync/main/addons/statesync/images/code_example_1.png
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Image/Video URL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ArteFlamel/StateSync/main/addons/statesync/images/code_example_2.png