Edit of asset "Godot LLM" Accepted

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Title Godot LLM
Description This plugin adds GdLlama, GDEmbedding, GDLlava, and LlmDB nodes which provides functionalities to generate text using large language model (LLM).

* Simple text generation
* Enforce the format of text generation output by Json schema
* Instruct and interactive mode
* Sentence Embedding
* Multimodal: generate text from image or game screen
* Vector database for retrieval augmented generation

If you have concerns about legal issues of LLM in games, check this documentation: https://github.com/Adriankhl/godot-llm/blob/main/LLM_LEGAL.md

Support Windows (cpu, vulkan), macOS(cpu, metal), Linux (cpu, vulkan), Android (cpu)

macOS support is on best effort basis since I don't have a mac myself

This is a gpu build, if you want cpu backend only, you can get it from the github release page: https://github.com/Adriankhl/godot-llm/releases
This plugin adds GdLlama, GDEmbedding, and GDLlava node which provides functionalities to generate text using large language model (LLM).

* Simple text generation
* Enforce the format of text generation output by Json schema
* Instruct and interactive mode
* Sentence Embedding
* Multimodal: generate text from image or game screen

Currently only support Windows, Linux and Android

v0.2.2 -> v0.3 breaking change
* Rename GDLlama "generate_text" method to "generate_text_simple", you may also just call "generate_text(prompt, "", "") to achieve the same output
* Switch from cpu build to vulkan build because of an upstream bug that prevents embedding from working
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Adriankhl/godot-llm
Issues Url https://github.com/Adriankhl/godot-llm/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2
Version String 1.0 0.3
Download Commit e11511bfc8dcb2c1e70a3390bfed912392baed43 e32116dbfa624ee0ff4925c1b82e4cf7772f9de3
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Adriankhl/godot-llm/archive/e11511bfc8dcb2c1e70a3390bfed912392baed43.zip https://github.com/Adriankhl/godot-llm/archive/e32116dbfa624ee0ff4925c1b82e4cf7772f9de3.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Adriankhl/godot-llm/main/icon.jpg