Edit of asset "Scene Object Brush" Accepted

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Title Scene Object Brush Scene Object Brush
Description Scene Object brush is a 3D addon drawing tool for the Godot game engine. It's meant to ease the placement of scenes (ref Unity prefab drawers). I was not in a mood to do all the manual work to create a nice tree scenery, therefore i did what any sane (or not) developer would do - create a tool for that.

## How to use?
* import addon and enabled it under Godot Project Settings / Plugins
* Add a Brush node to scene
* Select Brush node (and optionally settings)
* Use Left mouse button to place objects / Right Mouse button to erase them
* Profit ?

## Which Godot versions are supported ?
Godot 4.0+
Scene Object brush is a 3D addon drawing tool for the Godot game engine. It's meant to ease the placement of scenes (ref Unity prefab drawers). I was not in a mood to do all the manual work to create a nice tree scenery, therefore i did what any sane (or not) developer would do - create a tool for that.
Category 3D Tools 3D Tools
License Unlicense Unlicense
Repository Provider GitHub GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/Sacristan/godot_object_brush https://github.com/Sacristan/godot_object_brush
Issues Url https://github.com/Sacristan/godot_object_brush/issues https://github.com/Sacristan/godot_object_brush/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2 Godot 4.2
Version String 1.2.0 1.0.0
Download Commit a4130c0b0e9069498ec41ff0b7a67e43058eac35 3a6868a5d3112217e3e1747a2c511dbe429f06ef
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/Sacristan/godot_object_brush/archive/a4130c0b0e9069498ec41ff0b7a67e43058eac35.zip https://github.com/Sacristan/godot_object_brush/archive/3a6868a5d3112217e3e1747a2c511dbe429f06ef.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Sacristan/godot_scene_object_brush/main/resources/icon.png