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Title Script Search
Description This plugin provides a quick and easy way to search for scripts with custom search parameters. You can blacklist certain directories and specify allowed extensions.

> How to Use
Press Ctrl + P to open the Search Window. (You can change this shortcut).
Navigate with Up / Down Arrows and press `Enter` to select a file. The file will open in the script editor.

> Changing the Configurations
Click the config button on the Search Window. This will open the Configuration Window, where you can change the parameters:

- Allowed Extensions: What extensions should be included in the search.
- Directory Blacklist: What directories should NOT be included in the search.
- Case Sensitive: When enabled, differentiates upper and lower case text.

> Changing the shortcut
To modify the default shortcut, navigate to [Project > Project Settings > Input Map], add a new action called "addon_script_search_open" and assign an event to it, with the desired key combination. Reload the plugin, and the new shortcut should take effect.

> Special Characters
":" - Use a colon as the first character to match only the file base name, ignoring the rest of the path.
"," - Use a comma between terms to perform a multi-term search.

> Assets
Icons from Onscreen Controls by Kenney.
This plugin provides a quick and easy way to search for scripts with custom search parameters. You can blacklist certain directories and specify allowed extensions.

## How to Use

Press Ctrl + P to open the Search Window. (You can change this shortcut)

Write part of the file name and the search results will be filtered.

Navigate with `Up` / `Down` Arrows and press `Enter` to select a file. The file will open in the script editor.

### Changing the Configurations

You can easily edit the Configurations by clicking the config button on the Search Window:

This will open the Configuration Window, where you can change the parameters:

- `Allowed Extensions`: What extensions should be included in the search. Default: `["gd", "gdshader"]`

- `Directory Blacklist`: What directories should not be included in the search. Default: `["res://.godot", "res://addons"]`

### Changing the shortcut

To modify the default shortcut, navigate to `Project > Project Settings`.

In the `Input Map` tab, add a new action called `addon_script_search_open` and assign an event to it, with the desired key combination:

Reload the plugin, and the new shortcut should take effect.

## Assets

Icons from Onscreen Controls by Kenney.
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/bruno-br/script-search
Issues Url https://github.com/bruno-br/script-search/issues
Godot version Godot 4.1
Version String 1.2.0
Download Commit 3c98053d10b2044d9e189c9d2364ef9c30f7e75c
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/bruno-br/script-search/archive/3c98053d10b2044d9e189c9d2364ef9c30f7e75c.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bruno-br/script-search/main/addons/script_search/res/icon.png