Edit of asset "YAT - Yet Another Terminal (C#)" Accepted

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Title YAT - Yet Another Terminal (C#)
Description YAT stands for Yet Another Terminal. The goal of this project is to create a real terminal integrated with Godot that allows you to perform actions whether in the game, editor, or user system. This is intended to facilitate game development, debugging, and prototyping.

The second goal, which is particularly important to me, is to make YAT as open as possible to change, personalization, and expansion, so that everyone can customize it as much as possible for their own project.

Of course, creating such a complex and ambitious project is extremely difficult (especially alone), so it will still be in beta for a long time to come.

Over 35 built-in commands
Small size footprint (< 512 KB)
Custom commands (regular & threaded), extensions and windows
Automatic input validation (arguments, options)
Debug screen (FPS, CPU, GPU, etc.)
Access to the node tree (experimental)
Plugin customization
Quick Commands
Script templates
Ability to restrict access to the plugin
Automatic update
The goal of this project is to create a real terminal integrated with Godot that allows you to perform actions whether in the game, editor, or user system. This is intended to facilitate game development, debugging, and prototyping.

The second goal, which is particularly important to me, is to make YAT as open as possible to change, personalization, and expansion, so that everyone can customize it as much as possible for their own project.

Of course, creating such a complex and ambitious project is extremely difficult (especially alone), so it will still be in beta for a long time to come. Nevertheless, all the basic functions are working mostly correctly, and major changes breaking compatibility are not expected to arrive anytime soon.

Quick Commands
Script templates
Performance monitor
Over 25 built-in commands
Small size footprint (< 175 KB)
Access to the node tree (experimental)
Ability to restrict access to the plugin
Plugin customization (limited at this point)
Automatic input validation (arguments, options)
Custom commands (regular & threaded), extensions and windows
Category Tools
License MIT
Repository Provider GitHub
Repository Url https://github.com/MASSHUU12/godot-yat
Issues Url https://github.com/MASSHUU12/godot-yat/issues
Godot version Godot 4.2
Version String 1.31.1-beta 1.18.0-beta
Download Commit 9f6346b6ea41ba52f670241b68ae833567e98dd1 81a8f282db52aac7ec550de2bc8ba82e2c147bfc
Download Url (Computed) https://github.com/MASSHUU12/godot-yat/archive/9f6346b6ea41ba52f670241b68ae833567e98dd1.zip https://github.com/MASSHUU12/godot-yat/archive/81a8f282db52aac7ec550de2bc8ba82e2c147bfc.zip
Icon Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MASSHUU12/godot-yat/main/yat_icon.png?token=GHSAT0AAAAAACE2DTBYMT6QOIRJG6MMGME6ZKD6HMA