Bullet scene instanced with signals doesn't work

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By BryanGieger

Hello everyone, I’m starting with godot, I already did the tutorial for my first game, now I wanted to make my own version with that knowledge.

I wanted to do a Space Shooter, everything is fine until I wanted to put the shooting mechanics, I started to investigate and came across another tutorial from the documentation:
Link to documentation article

I did as it says what it says adapting it and making it not take the mouse as a reference.

The problem is Mono gives me the following errors:

  • Main.cs (125,34): error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type ‘Godot.Vector2’ to ‘float’
  • Main.cs (127,23): error CS0122: ‘Bullet.Velocity’ is not accessible due to its protection level
  • Main.cs (127,48): error CS0122: ‘Bullet.Velocity’ is not accessible due to its protection level

Here are the scripts:

Bullet Script

public class Bullet : Area2D
    Vector2 Velocity = new Vector2();

    public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta)
       Position -= Velocity * delta;

    public void _ViewportExcited()

Player Script

public class Player : Area2D
  public delegate void Hit();

  public int velocidad;

  delegate void Shoot(PackedScene bullet, Vector2 direction, Vector2 location);

  private PackedScene _bullet = GD.Load<PackedScene>("res://Scenes/Bullet.tscn");

  private Vector2 _tamañoPantalla;

  // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
  public override void _Ready()
	  _tamañoPantalla = GetViewport().Size;
	  //Oculta al jugador al inicio del juego

  // Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
  public override void _Process(float delta)
	  var aceleracion = new Vector2(); //Vector 2D de movimiento del jugador

	  var fireAnimation = GetNode<AnimatedSprite>("AnimatedSprite");

	  if (Input.IsActionPressed("ui_right"))
		  aceleracion.x += 1;
		  fireAnimation.Animation = "FireIzq";

	  if (Input.IsActionPressed("ui_left"))
		  aceleracion.x -= 1;
		  fireAnimation.Animation = "FireDer";

	  if (aceleracion.Length() > 0)
		  aceleracion = aceleracion.Normalized() * velocidad;

	  Position += aceleracion * delta;
	  Position = new Vector2
			  x: Mathf.Clamp(Position.x, 22, _tamañoPantalla.x - 22),
			  y: Mathf.Clamp(Position.y, 0, _tamañoPantalla.y)

	  if (aceleracion.Length() == 0)
		  fireAnimation.Animation = "FireDown";

	  if (Input.IsActionPressed("ui_shoot"))
		  EmitSignal(nameof(Shoot), _bullet, Rotation, Position);

  private void _on_Player_body_entered(object body)
	  GetNode<CollisionPolygon2D>("CollisionPolygon2D").SetDeferred("disabled", true);

  public void Empezar(Vector2 pos)
	  Position = pos;
	  GetNode<CollisionPolygon2D>("CollisionPolygon2D").Disabled = false;


Main Script

public class Main : Node
    public PackedScene[] asteroides;

    public PackedScene Mob;

    private int _distancia;
    private int _score;

    private Random _random = new Random();

    public override void _Ready()

    private float RandRange(float min, float max)
        return (float)_random.NextDouble() * (max - min) + min;

    private void GameOver()

    private void NewGame()
        _distancia = 0;

        var player = GetNode<Player>("Player");
        var startPosition = GetNode<Position2D>("PosicionInicial");



    private void _on_StartTimer_timeout()

    private void _on_DistanceTimer_timeout()

    private void _on_MobTimer_timeout()
        //Selecciona una poscion random en el Path2d
        var mobSpawnLocation = GetNode<PathFollow2D>("MobPath/MobSpawn");
        mobSpawnLocation.Offset = _random.Next();

        //Crea una instancia del mob y la agrega a la escena
        var instanciaMob = (RigidBody2D)Mob.Instance();

        //Pone una direccion perpendicular a la direccion del path.
        float direccion = mobSpawnLocation.Rotation + Mathf.Pi / 2;

        //Pone al mob en una posicion random
        instanciaMob.Position = mobSpawnLocation.Position;

        //Agrega una direccion random
        direccion += RandRange(-Mathf.Pi / 4, Mathf.Pi / 4);
        instanciaMob.Rotation = direccion;

        //Selecciona una velocidad
        instanciaMob.LinearVelocity = new Vector2(RandRange(150f, 250f), 0).Rotated(direccion);

    private void _on_AsteroidesTimer_timeout()
        //Selecciona una poscion random en el Path2d
        var asteroideSpawnLocation = GetNode<PathFollow2D>("AsteroidesPath/AsteroidesSpawn");
        asteroideSpawnLocation.Offset = _random.Next();

        //Crea una instancia del mob y la agrega a la escena
        var instanciaAsteroide = (RigidBody2D)asteroides[_random.Next(0,7)].Instance();

        //Pone al mob en una posicion random
        instanciaAsteroide.Position = asteroideSpawnLocation.Position;

    public void _on_Player_Shoot(PackedScene bullet, Vector2 direction, Vector2 location)
        //here mono marks the error 
        var instanciaBala = (Bullet)bullet.Instance();
        instanciaBala.Rotation = direction;
        instanciaBala.Position = location;
        instanciaBala.Velocity = instanciaBala.Velocity.Rotated(direction);
