Battle city bullet collision

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By VietAnhT

I’m making battle city like game without grid movement and having trouble with bullet collision.

1: Outer angle tile collision, bullet cant detect collided tile the bullet disappear and tile not remove.

2: Remove both bullet when bullet collision, some time both removed and some time only one removed

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Here is my bullet code:

extends KinematicBody2D

var speed = 500
var velocity = Vector2()

func start(pos, dir):

rotation = dir
position = pos
velocity = Vector2(speed, 0).rotated(dir-PI/2)

func _physics_process(delta):

var collision = move_and_collide((velocity * delta).round())
if collision:
	velocity = velocity.bounce(collision.normal)
	if collision.collider is TileMap:
		var tile = collision.collider.world_to_map(collision.position - velocity.normalized())
		if collision.collider.get_cellv(tile) == 0:
			collision.collider.set_cell(tile.x, tile.y, -1)
	elif == "Enemy" or == "Player":

func _on_VisibilityNotifier2D_screen_exited():

Edit: Look like i use move_and_collide() wrong??
Edit 2: 2nd problem solved by add hit() method to all object