How should I access variables from other scripts?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By jason1207

I have a lot of database regarding monsters, skills, items, quests, npc, etc.
Right now, I have one singleton called, and all of those database is loaded to that script at the beginning.
However, when I try to access the database via, the path name comes really long.

This is my skill database script:

class_name Skill_Data
enum {INSIGHT}

var skill_name = {
	INSIGHT : "Insight"
var skill_res = {
	INSIGHT : "res://Skills/Insight.tres"

func get_skill_name(a: int):
	return skill_name[a]

func get_skill_res(a: int):
	return skill_res[a]

this is part of my

onready var skill_data =

and on my main scene, to access the above skill, I have as the following:

func _ready():
	var insight_skill = load(LoadData.skill_data.get_skill_res(LoadData.skill_data.INSIGHT))

As you see, the naming becomes way too long and tedious to work with, and I was hoping if I could access the database in a shorter way.
Adding the database itself as another singleton would work, but I’m not sure if that’s the best solution I can go for.
Is there any better ways than doing this?