Pathfinding script only works when extremely close

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By indigo

I’m using the following script for my enemy, a KinematicBody2D, to navigate to my player, another KinematicBody2D:

		var destination = nav2d.get_closest_point(player.get_global_position())
		var path_to_destination = nav2d.get_simple_path(get_global_position(), destination)
		var starting_point = get_global_position()
		var move_distance = SPEED * delta
		for point in range(path_to_destination.size()):
			var distance_to_next_point = starting_point.distance_to(path_to_destination[0])
			if move_distance <= distance_to_next_point:
				var move_rotation = get_angle_to(starting_point.linear_interpolate( path_to_destination[0], move_distance / distance_to_next_point))
				var motion = Vector2(SPEED, 0).rotated(move_rotation)
			move_distance -= distance_to_next_point
			starting_point = path_to_destination[0]

The script seems to work, but only when the player is extremely close to the enemy. If the player is more than a couple of inches away, the enemy just stand still.

Any help?