Special characters in labels

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Arc Futahito
:warning: Old Version Published before Godot 3 was released.

I have a Noto font label and would like to use some special characters in there (like ✎ for example) but when pasting one inside label, only unicode representation turns up (/u***). Trying to do other ways to add character like & #9998; didn’t help at all. Trying some escape sequences did nothing too.

I know for sure the character is present in Noto and I’ve added it as a Dynamic Font resource so it should be accessible from Godot.

Is there any way to do this in GUI? Or code for that matter?

Where did you get this font?

I tried too with NotoSans-Regular.ttf, and I get a ✎ in LibreOffice and Paint.NET (although it looks different and even COLORED in Paint.NET Oo)

In Godot, I get this, which is indeed a fail:
enter image description here

Zylann | 2016-10-15 15:24

Font I got here: Noto Home - Google Fonts

As for character, here is pencil one on linux charmap http://imgur.com/a/Ope93

I guess I’m going to make an issue about this on Git

Arc Futahito | 2016-10-15 16:52

The problem here could be the documentation…

Office suits can mix font specimens because they are made to work with fonts, good game engines are a pain to work with fonts xD

But if you import a font with emoji (in unicode format) it should show them, but those fonts called specimens use to be the minimum font set (I don’t understand that parallel universe of modern fonts).

If you can’t make your own font set you can use Noto regular on a label and Noto Emoji on a child or sibling label to show the symbols.

eons | 2016-10-16 15:21