Do other properties get reset when changing extents?

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By zyrixian
:warning: Old Version Published before Godot 3 was released.

Are their any other properties that get reset when using set_extents on an existing collision shape?

I ask because once I use that the set_extents on a static shape objects are no longer colliding with it. The odd thing is it seems to work on 1 out of the 3 objects. Their dimensions are similar but opposite (1 is short but wide, the other two are tall but skinny, ie. walls)

I’ve tried outputting the dimensions to the console before and after the code executes but the dimensions look correct, my guess is there must be some property that is being reset once the extents are reconfigured?

EDIT: Looks like once the collision boxes were resized they were in collision with each other, for some reason this didn’t allow other object to recognize the collision. Is this normal? Does anyone know if these collision details are documented anywhere?

Statics ignore themselves so I think the overlapping should not be a problem.

Try using the debugger instead of console output, you can check many things there, like how many collisions are taking place or inspect every node in real time in the remote inspector when problems appear.
You may be able to get more information that way.

eons | 2016-10-12 17:21