creation of a softbody using code. springs freak out

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By SnickeringSnickers

I’m trying to algorithmically create a softbody circle using code.
I’ve managed to create the circle properly

when the bodies are static
enter image description here

They all appear to be linked when I check with print statements. They link to the center point correctly I believe, but when the bodies are set off of static they freak out and fling everything around.

when the bodies are set to rigid
enter image description here
when the center node is static and the outside ones are rigid they all slink down like they should
enter image description here

I’ve been scratching my head for hours this to me seems like it should work in theory

extends RigidBody2D

var count = 20
var radius = Vector2(40, 0)
var center = Vector2(0,0)
var col_points = []
onready var col = load("res://scenes/seg.tscn")
var step = 2 * PI / count

var points = [Vector2()]
# Declare member variables here. Examples:
# var a = 2
# var b = "text"

# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():

	for n in range(count):
		var spawn_pos = center + radius.rotated(step * n) #spot to spawn the segment
		var seg_spawn = col.instance() #creates a instance of segment of the soft body child nodes are spring mid, spring clock, spring counter
		add_child(seg_spawn) #spawn's segment of the soft body
		seg_spawn.set_position(spawn_pos) #sets the postion of the soft body segment

		seg_spawn.get_node("mid").set_node_a(seg_spawn.get_path()) #current generated segment
		seg_spawn.get_node("mid").set_node_b(self.get_path()) #center segment
		col_points[n] = seg_spawn
		points[n] = spawn_pos

	for n in range(count):

		if(n < count-1):
			#links current segment to next segment 
			col_points[n].get_node("clock").set_node_a(col_points[n].get_path()) #links current segment
			col_points[n].get_node("clock").set_node_b(col_points[n+1].get_path()) #links next segment

			print("linked to")
			#links last segment to first
			col_points[count-1].get_node("clock").set_node_a(col_points[count-1].get_path()) #links last segment
			col_points[count-1].get_node("clock").set_node_b(col_points[0].get_path()) #links first segement

			print("linked to")

enter image description here