How to make a projectile change direction on hit in 2D

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Rev7092

Im making a platformer game, and i already have an enemy using kinematicbody2d with his projectile using area2d node.
So, i wanted to make the player to be able to rotate and change the direction of the projectile from the enemy (reflecting) straight back at him by attacking the projectile. I really want to know how i can do this.

Heres my projectile code :

extends Area2D

var move = Vector2.ZERO
var look_vec = Vector2.ZERO
var player = null
var speed = 1

func _ready():
     look_vec = player.position - global_position

func _physics_process(delta):
     move = Vector2.ZERO
     move = move.move_toward(look_vec,delta)
     move = move.normalized() * speed
     position += move