Is there a way to delete and modify a face of meshinstance

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Obr00007576

I created a low poly 3d model of a map in blender and exported it with its collisionshape to godot. So the map is actually a meshinstance with a staticbody. I want to create a game where players will fight on the map and there will be some explosions to destroy some parts of the map, which means the destoyed parts of the meshinstance and collisionshape of the map should be both deleted. For shape, I konw how to get the shape id by using the raycasting(in the result of raycasting, there is a shape id refrinreferring to a specific face of the shape), but I don’t know how to delete a face on the shape. For meshinstance, I have no idea at all. I just found some functions in MeshDataTool and Mesh or ArrayMesh, all of them are working with surface(those faces with a same matieral) but not face. The only funcion about faces I found is to get the faces from mesh but there are no functions to set the faces of mesh. As well as modifying a face on the mesh, I found it is also very difficult to locate a face. Without collision shape, it is very difficult to get all the faces from a range of place. For instance, there is explosion at (x,y,z) and radius of explosion is r, so how can I get all the faces that will be destroyed? The only way I think of it to traverse all the faces but for collision shape I can create an 2D area and check all the objects in the area.