How can I get the Vector2 () value for RigidBody2D?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Korsut

How can I get the Vector2 () value for RigidBody2D?

func _on_Zona_body_entered(body):
:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: jgodfrey

Not sure what Vector2 you’re after - I assume the position? If that’s the case you get it just like any node that inherits from Node2D - via its position property.


$RigidBody2D.position # - position relative to its parent
$RididBody2D.global_position # - global position

I did not indicate one nuno thing. I have such a code, and it is necessary that with the help of a pulse one RigidBody 2D move to another.

func _on_Zona_body_entered(body):

Korsut | 2020-04-26 17:44