How to bring out a sprite in shaders?

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By SesshaNeko

Hello, could you please answer my question? I’ve just started learning shaders. This code creates a spiral, I’d like to lay a sprite on this effect, how can I do that?

shader_type canvas_item;

uniform float StripesNum = 9; //slider[1,10,100]
uniform float StripesAng = 45; //slider[-180,45,180]
uniform float StripesThinkness = 0.5; //slider[0,0.5,1]
uniform float CenterHole = 0.0; //slider[0,0.125,1]
uniform float OuterHole = 1; //slider[0,0.825,1]

vec2 cLog(vec2 z){
    return vec2(log(length(z)), atan(z.y, z.x));

void fragment(){ 
    float pi = 3.141592653589793;
    vec2 p = UV.xy - vec2(0.5, 0.5); // correct to the center of texture
    float t = radians(StripesAng);
    float c = cos(t);
    float s = sin(t);
    mat2 m = mat2(vec2(c, -s), vec2(s, c));
    vec2 q = m * cLog(p);
    //vec2 q = cos(m * cLog(p)+TIME);

    float color = float(mod((StripesNum * q.y / (sqrt(2.0) * pi))-TIME, 1.0) < StripesThinkness
        || length(p) < CenterHole
        || length(p) > OuterHole
   COLOR = vec4(vec3(color),1);
:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: estebanmolca

Great shader!
Mixing them is relatively easy. To access the texture of the sprite, TEXTURE is used, and to access its UV coordinates, UV is used. I leave a simple example using the functions mix () and texture (), but the possibilities are almost endless. Now if you want to deform the texture of the sprite is different, a few questions back and I answered on a shader to deform a flag. That shader is an example but you can find thousands of pages like shadertoy. It is pure math everywhere. You can also use SCREEN_TEXTURE and SCREEN_UV to access the texture and uv seen on the screen.
Assing to a sprite whit texture:

shader_type canvas_item;

uniform float StripesNum = 9; //slider[1,10,100]
uniform float StripesAng = 45; //slider[-180,45,180]
uniform float StripesThinkness = 0.5; //slider[0,0.5,1]
uniform float CenterHole = 0.0; //slider[0,0.125,1]
uniform float OuterHole = 1; //slider[0,0.825,1]

vec2 cLog(vec2 z){
    return vec2(log(length(z)), atan(z.y, z.x));

    void fragment(){ 
        float pi = 3.141592653589793;
        vec2 p = UV.xy - vec2(0.5, 0.5); // correct to the center of texture
        float t = radians(StripesAng);
        float c = cos(t);
        float s = sin(t);
        mat2 m = mat2(vec2(c, -s), vec2(s, c));
        vec2 q = m * cLog(p);
        //vec2 q = cos(m * cLog(p)+TIME);
        float color = float(mod((StripesNum * q.y / (sqrt(2.0) * pi))-TIME, 1.0) < StripesThinkness
            || length(p) < CenterHole
            || length(p) > OuterHole
    	vec3 color_final;
    	vec3 tex=texture(TEXTURE,UV).rgb;
    	vec2 uv= UV*color; 
    	/* MIX: */
    	//color_final=mix(vec3(color), tex, 0.5); 
    	/* MIX IF WHITE = 1: */
    	//if (color == 1.0)
    	//	color_final=mix(vec3(color), tex, 0.9);
       //COLOR= vec4(vec3(color),1); //original
       //COLOR= vec4(color_final, 1.0); //mixes
    	COLOR= texture(TEXTURE,uv);	//modify uv to texture			

Thanks a lot!

SesshaNeko | 2020-01-24 06:28