Question about Tilemaps and best practices

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By reefcrazed

When creating something like an isometric game I am guessing you would have multiple tilemaps if doing a large overland area. So if you created something with water, ground, mountains you would want multiple tilemaps or am I wrong? I would think you would set each one with it’s own z-axis so the water would appear on the bottom and mountain and trees higher. So doing it this way is it better to have one tileset or multiple? My thoughts is that it would make sense to have multiple tilesets to make it easier to search through the tiles correct? If I need multiple tilesets I am guessing I would need to bring each image into Photoshop and splice them up and get all water in one png because I slice each tile.

Thoughts? And yes I am new to all of this but I learn by doing it.