Animation blend tree not working as expected

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By twoski

I have a very simple skeleton in 2d. I want to basically have 2 state machines, one that controls arms and one for legs.

To accomplish this i use a blend tree that combines 2 state machines.

Here’s an image of it in action:

animation problems

I can’t figure out why the Add2 node is behaving so strangely. I have its filters set to only have the arm nodes checked. The arm animations of the bottom state machine should not be halting any of the leg animations, yet as soon as i make the Add2 node have a value greater than 0 it ruins the animation.

Do state machines behave poorly in blend trees or something? It feels like there’s something seriously wrong going on under the hood.

Is “enable filtering” checked at the top of the edit filters dialog? It can be easy to miss.

Sir_Skurpsalot | 2019-10-19 19:11

I know this is an old issue, but i just had a similar problem and i discovered that this was due to the statemachines sharing the same StateMachinePlayback subresource. The solution was to make one of them unique via the context menu.

Flavelius | 2022-05-04 20:29

@Flavelius Thank you so much!

I know this is an old issue, but i just had a similar problem and i discovered that this was due to the statemachines sharing the same StateMachinePlayback subresource. The solution was to make one of them unique via the context menu.

This answer save my day! I already searching this issue for hours in past few days but hard to figure out that the playback resources should be unique for playing separately.

jackymaxj | 2023-02-06 13:44