get_content_height for RichTextLabel seems to be unreliable.

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By nationality

I’m trying to make a vboxcontainer inside a scrollboxcontainer for the purpose of holding a long string of rich text labels.

It works for the most part, but often a label won’t appear, seemingly at random. When the screen is refreshed, it reappears.

I think it’s because get_content_height is sometimes returning 0. I have no idea why it would do that, because it’s usually getting it right.

Here is the relevant code.

func determine_min_size_for_box(box : Control) -> Vector2:
	if box is RichTextLabel:
		var y = box.get_content_height()
		return Vector2(0, y)
	return Vector2(0,0)
var totalOutputBoxes = 0

func print_output(client, newParagraph:= false, endLine:= false):
	for newOutput in client.toSay:
		Global.debug.message("\nNewOutput: " + String(newOutput) + ". ")
		if newOutput is String:
			Global.debug.message("Creating new text box. ")
			totalOutputBoxes += 1
			var textBox = = "OutputBox" + String(totalOutputBoxes)
			textBox.bbcode_enabled = true
			textBox.scroll_active = false
			textBox.selection_enabled = true
			textBox.grow_horizontal = true
			textBox.rect_min_size = determine_min_size_for_box(textBox)
	var allOutput = output.get_children()
	for outputBox in allOutput:
		outputBox.rect_min_size = determine_min_size_for_box(outputBox)
	client.toSay = []
	client.currentOutputBox = 0