Low Polygon2D draw performance on mobile platforms

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By lukas_m

I want to create a 2D game for mobile platforms (Android, iOS) using Godot 3 with simplistic graphics created with polygons, but I am running into performance problems. My goal is to have around 70 Polygon2D nodes drawn by Godot, but on my Android phone I am getting only 28 fps and on iOS it is even worse. On PC it runs on 60 fps without any problems. I am getting stable 60 fps only with less than 25 Polygon2D nodes on Android. All the polygons are composed of 4 points and have the same shape but have different color and I need to be able to move and rotate each polygon individually.

How can I solve the performance problem? Is there more effective way to draw polygons in Godot?

Thank you