Improve performance when having a large number of meshes

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Daniel Mircea

I’m working on a 3d turn based game with graphics similar to the 1994 xcom.

The map is made of a large number of cells (a few thousand). These are created from some random meshes but there are only a few unique in total.

However, even after hiding shadows performance is atrocious. What options do I have to improve performance?

Multimesh Instances don’t look like a good option as these cells can be quite far apart.

:bust_in_silhouette: Reply From: Christoffer

If the meshes are static multimesh is a good option, i do not think distance matter.
Have you tried to hide everything outside the view?
Or you can make some kind of LOD system? lower quality models further away?

You were right. Static multimeshes have improved performance tremendously.

Daniel Mircea | 2018-11-09 10:46