export(Array, Array) has no distinguishable second level arrays

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By TobiLa

Sorry for the maybe unclear title, I couldn’t find a better wording.

Let’s take a closer look at my problem:

I have a lot of objects in my scene tree working with the same script. On the other side, each of those objects should work with their own dataset with the following structure:
Each object has multiple stages. The stage count is not known.
Each stage has 1 string and two float variables.

I am trying to achieve this by exporting variables because I try to avoid needing a separate script for each of the objects.

Because the number of stages is unknown I tried a very generic data type:

export(Array,Array) var stages

The first level array would be the different stages, and each of the second level arrays would have the one string and two float values of each stage.

The problem is now that if I change one of the second level arrays, all other second level arrays are changed accordingly. So I am not able to assign different stages.