Building a 3d character using multiple MeshInstance nodes

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:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Baolnar


While working on my game so far I have been importing my model from Blender as a whole mesh with its skeleton. The animations are all actions done in Blender.

This switching back and forth for animation is a bit tedious so I was wondering if there was a way to just animate a 3d model in Godot like you would in Spine or like you can for 2d characters in Godot (which is a lot like Spine).

I have a video showing a very simple character created using Godot primitive meshes as child nodes to a Kinematic body that I have created a simple Walk animation for to test whether it can work and it appears to do just fine:

My Question is whether this is a viable approach in terms of performance. I would think so given how it is a good example of Godot’s Node and Scene concepts and examples in its documentation.

It terms of performance, would this be a viable approach if I have say 25-30 different head meshes to choose from, 30-50 body meshes, fore-arms, biceps, torsos, thighs, legs, feet etc. I could then just combine them in Godot and if they all have the same naming convention I could give them a common Animation Player if they have the same animations as well.
