Game offline/online

:information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform.
:bust_in_silhouette: Asked By Guilherme

I have the “player” scene the script I did on it was based on the example that comes with the godot engine “Multiplayer Bomber”. My problem is that I want my game to have offiline support and also the online. When I start the game as it was offiline it from the connection error I wanted to know how I can solve the problem with my scene.

This is the code for my “player” scene.

var motion = Vector2()

func _physics_process(delta):
    motion.y += GRAVITY
    if (is_network_master()):
        if Input.is_action_pressed("p1_right"):
            motion.x = SPEED
            $Sprite.flip_h = false
        elif Input.is_action_pressed("p1_left"):
            motion.x = -SPEED
            $Sprite.flip_h = true
            motion.x = 0
        if is_on_floor():
            if Input.is_action_just_pressed("p1_jump"):
                motion.y = JUMP_HEIGHT
        motion = move_and_slide(motion, UP)
        rset("slave_motion", motion)
        rset("slave_pos", position)
        motion = slave_motion
    var new_anim = "idle"
    if (motion.y <= 0):
        new_anim = "jump"
    elif (motion.x < 0):
        new_anim = "walking"
        $Sprite.flip_h = true
    elif (motion.x > 0):
        $Sprite.flip_h = false
        new_anim = "walking"

    if (new_anim != current_anim):
        current_anim = new_anim
    if (not is_network_master()):
        slave_pos = position # To avoid jitter

func _ready():
    slave_pos = position